p.m. Still 45 minutes to wait until we go in for our flight, but the
place is starting to fill up. Sitting with my$4 coke, just killing
time. Interestingly enough, Perth International Airport does not have
Wi-Fi. It has one station where you can get free internet access, on
their machine. But not on mine. So no killing time with FB. Pills are
working a dream. Feeling quite calm and relaxed. Still getting used
to this keyboard on my netbook and the space bar really needs a punch
to get it going.
usual this waiting bit is almost as boring as being on the plane. At
least I am on the ground and can go and walk around. I've been to
other international airports in the past, and I guess Perth's is
probably one of the most boring. Singapore has some great eating
places, has a butterfly house which helps to kill time. Don't know
much about Heathrow. Don't seem to remember it very well for some
reason. I suspect most of these people are waiting for the same
flight as me. A couple of women in a hijab, an Araby looking man with
a funny little hat (I'm sure it has a name, but no idea what it's
did load up my Kindle for PC the other night so have some books on
here as well. The one I started reading is quite hilarious. If anyone
has seen any of the old private eye series on television, well this
one reminds me very much of that sort of style. Strong man, gorgeous
woman, doesn't usually get involved with his clients, but this one is
just too encouraging and enticing. Even the language is that same
sort of language the boys used to use.
dropped me off quite early. I was pleased. She doesn't like being out
at night and coming home in the dark, so I was here before 7:30 for a
10p.m. Flight. But they were already checking in the bags and they
went off without any hitch. So here I sit, reading my incredibly
funny whodunnit, people watching, and writing on my little netbook.
so far, I don't seem to have forgotten anything. I think of
something, dig through my bag and there it is. I must get myself a
small wheelie cabin bag. This one is quite heavy, and full. Must
admit, I really don't travel light. I've got my camera, my netbook,
even remembered to bring my proper mouse with the little dooverlackie
that plugs it in so no cords.
might go downstairs, have one more smoke and then head into the
departure area. If they will let me. Will hopefully be tables and
chairs in there as well.
bit later. Awesome. I can flip from my book to my writing without
having to close down programs and start them again. Even when I turn
it off, they are still right there. Enough to keep a Madeleine
occupied for several hours. Who knows.
fee minutes later:
through customs. Was checked for gunshot residue, me and my bags, but
a lovely young man doing it and we had a chat about the party poppers
and whether they would show up as gunshot residue with their test. He
figured that it would have to be very little and probably wouldn't
register. The question came from my last trip when we had party
poppers (for some reason), just before I went on the flight and
someone reckoned I should be careful cause they would “get” me!!
So that question is answered. People are really friendly when you ask
them questions. At the immigration place, there were three signs, one
was obviously a camera and the last one was an old mobile phone. The
middle one had me beat. She reckoned it was probably an old video
have taken a full tablet. Feel awesome. Actually enjoying the wait
rather than dreading it. I do love my drugs.
uniforms for the Emirates hostesses are rather glamorous. They have
lovely red hats, and white flowing scarves Didn't notice the rest of
the outfit as I was so intrigued with the hats and scarves. Some
women really can carry scarves and look great. I just look bundled up
when I wear one.
to leave my bottle of water and the last of my coke behind before I
could come in here. So bought myself another bottle. Taken a couple
more panadol to make sure the joints stay as pain free as I can. I've
got my pressure stockings in my bag.
forgot them. Was walking out the door and noticed them on the floor.
Picked them up and then dropped them in a puddle in the driveway so
they might be just a bit damp. But hey, you get that.
really warm in here and still am carrying my jumper. I know I will
need it on the plane.
of gate for some passengers, not me. They are still trying to find a
couple of people who appear to be running late for their flight.
Quite funny. Wonder where they are. Hiding in the loo. Stuck in
immigration? Who knows.
go have one last pee. Water is starting to work it's way through my
more better. Got back,long queue around my gate. Went up to one of
the people and showed her my boarding pass. She showed me the bit I
was looking for and then told me where to wait. Queue was a mile
long. I suggested it might be a good idea to sit back down for a
while, and she agreed. Airport staff are generally very pleasant and
helpful. Particularly if you are polite and friendly. Approach with
a smile, any question, no matter how stupid it might seem, they treat
it like it is worth answering. Good PR.
there you go. They are calling my boarding time. No anxiety at all.
the plane. These pills are totally awesome. No anxiety at all.Not
even on takeoff. Didn't enjoy it but it didn't seem to take as long
as normal and I wasn't in a total panic. So far we have been given
lovely warm towels, and a little cosmetic type case with an eye
mask, pair of socks, and a toothbrush with a tiny toothpaste. All in
the main brown of the emirates uniform colour.
spoke to the lass when I got on the plane. Commented on how striking
I found the little red had and the white scarf and she reckoned that
it helped to take away from the blandness of the rest of the uniform.
Then I looked at it properly and realised it was all a pretty bland
brown. Lovely style and shape to it, but the colour was not
particularly attractive. She reckoned that later in the trip I could
take a photo of her in her uniform. How awesome is that? Will see
what eventuates. Well I forgot, didn't I? Oh well, it happens.

hosties are all busy backing and forthing up and down the aisles. Not
sure what's up. I do know that we will be being fed soon which is
good as I am starting to get peckish. Karen and I had dinner from the
Kiara food hall but that was 5 hours ago. It's amazing how time
flies. This, so far has been one of my best trips yet. I took ½ of
the muralax, and that really took the edge off the anxiety and then
took another ½ shortly before we got on the plane. Is making such a
big difference. I'm chatting to people again. Feeling excited and
enjoying my writing.
will have some photos soon. There are lots of places you can't take
photos. This machine is a bit of a pain in the bumski. The space bar
often doesn't work and you get a collection of attached words that
should be separate and then you have to go back and correct them.
Might wait till I get to Dubai and fix it all then. Too much like
hard work now.
entertainment system is awesome. Particularly for a gadget queen like
me. I have a remote control. I can change the movie, turn on my light
without having to stand up and reach up, and apparently you can make
phone calls with it as well. I'm about to ask if they have wifi. Lost
track of asking re wi-fi, and just settled for movies.
was a large young man, a seat in front and to my right. He really
should have been wearing tighter pants. Every time he got up and
bent over, I could see his bum crack. Not only that, but he
a hairy bum. Not a pretty sight when you've been asleep and wake up
to that.
relatively uneventful. A couple of rough patches, but my drugs worked
really well. I could feel my anxiety drop even at the airport where I
started writing this. I do love drugs.
13 December 2012 (from Dubai)