I went out to have coffee with a friend this afternoon. We usually meet at the same place. We’ve tried other places, but this one seems to suit the best. On the way, I had to stop to photograph this:

Very nice you say. A kid’s playground. However, this is what was around it.

There’s about to be a new estate and they’ve built this lovely little park. I doubt whether anyone is using it yet.

A Wedgie
I guess people just don’t have my weird sense of humour.
This is where we go:
I figured it was time to take a photo in case the place burns down or disappears or changes owners or something.
Sunday, 8 June 2008
Strange they build the playground first?
I like wedgies (of the potato variety) especially with a spicy coating.
I reckon if Lynn pop's by and see's the virtual wedgie picture she will laugh. I laughed too.
That picture of a wedgie paints a very painful picture!! LOL It's funny, I know they're just potato but I was really sick after I ate some wedgies years ago and I've never really liked eating them since. Normal thin chips are fine but not the thick ones.
So give us a photo of this mystery person "K" Madeleine.
Who is it?
Ohh Wedges + sour cream + sweet chilli sause! Mmmm yum! I hope you and K had a lovely afternoon.
Kahless, I agree, strange that they would build the playground first.
I hope Lynn does pop by and gets a giggle !! I giggled at it as well. Never understand how people don't get the giggles when I ask for wedgies.
So they have them in the uk too. Good.
Poor Kazza. I can't imagine not eating wedgies. I'm with Roses, sweet chili sauce. K likes them both but I don't like sour cream so I eat all the chili sauce.
Glad you liked the picture of the wedgie, Kazza.
No picture, Graffiti. Secret squirrel business hehehe
Geez, they look like pretty good wedgies to me Madeleine. kenoath
They were lovely wedgies Kenoath. Not so sure about the other wedgie tho.
And I DID laugh! It's nice that you ladies knew I would. :-) I would laugh, too, to hear somebody ask a waiter for a wedgie. So... when are we all going to lunch? And can we bring a video camera?
Great, Lynn, lunch tomorrow with wedgies LOL, Who else is coming?? And yes, definitely bring the video camera.
I'm sorry, i assumed that 'K' was Ken. Shouldn't do that I guess, but i did. Sorry about that.
Roses, why are you apologising. You made an assumption, you may be wrong or right, but will never know, cause I'm not saying hehehehe. BTW who's Ken ???? hehehe !!
Oh Kenoath. He said that you meet sometimes and have a cuppa. So i thought you were just doing your usual catch-up. There are people who I do catch-up coffees or lunches with too. Gosh its nice when we do.
That's all. Have a cheery night...
Roses, I'm teasing :-) And yes it is nice to catch up with friends for coffee.
I will have a nice cheery night. I am already.
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