Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Katz and Kidz


I’ve been thinking about my Sunny cat today. I’ve been aware that she is getting on in years, but finally went and checked to see just how old she really was. I was thinking she was probably about 10 years old. In fact, she was born in October 1995. So in a few months, she will be 13.

When we got her, Susan would have been almost 18. For some reason, Susan and Sunny are intertwined in my memories. I remember when Susan started getting hallucinations and she would sit on her bed, Sunny cat at the end, both of them staring at the same spot. Were they both seeing something that most humans couldn’t? Or was it simply coincidence? I will never know.

I was sure I had a photo of that. Maybe it’s just a strong memory in my head. So strong, I thought I’d taken a photo.

Susan wanted to call sunny “Bog roll”. I asked her if she knew what bog roll meant. She said No. I told her and she giggled and we decided that we would call her Sunny instead.

I have very few photos of Sunny in the early years. I thought I had more. I guess I was so busy taking photos of the Suze that I forgot about the animals. Sad that. Also I think she was a hidey cat even when she was little.

Usually when the cold weather starts, Sunny comes and sits on my lap while I’m watching TV at night. She gets very cross when I get up and down at the commercials. Lately, she sits there on the arm of the chair and waits for me to return. This winter, she has become a under the covers cat. She’s never been one to snuggle under the covers, but this winter she has. When I go to bed, she hops up with me and starts to nose at the blankets: “Let me under where it’s nice and toasty warum !!” So I lift up the doona and under she goes. As far as she can. When I snuggle down and turn off the light, I grab her and we have a cuddle. She’s one of the softest cats I’ve ever had.

It’s funny. I remember thinking when she was a kitten that she looked like she would grow up into a big fat, lazy momma cat. She hasn’t. She is lean. Almost skinny sometimes. Very light to pick up. Even after she was spayed, she didn’t put on any weight. There’s really nothing of her.

Sunny is going to die in a few years. She could go at any time. She’s the last thing that is still a constant in my life that is part of the life I had with Susan. That’s sad. That’s also life.

Wednesday, 2 July 2008

I’m blocking comments on this blog, because I don’t want the sympathy comments. That’s not why I wrote it.