Another walk, another night. It's amazing just how different each walk can be when I take the old camera with me.
Very tired tonight and felt I needed a decent meal (been onto the take away again), so took the Ally Dawg for a wander and then headed for the shops. As I was getting ready, I realised that it was getting quite overcast and I wondered if we would get wet or not.
When I got to the park, the sky was amazing. The clouds formed a canopy over the park.
Isn't that incredible.
We wandered around for a while. I could hear the wind blowing in the trees. I could hear my mozzie stuff in my bum bag rattling away. I must take my recorder out with me one evening and record some of the sounds. Particularly the birds at this time of night.
Then of course, I spotted the rainbow hiding in the clouds.

Started to rain a bit, so we headed back across the park towards the car. As I got to the other side, I realised that the wind had blown most of the clouds away and this is what I saw.
The wind was rapidly blowing the rain and the clouds away.
We continued our walk and there on the road, we spotted:

I'm not sure I had to share this one with everyone, but hey, it's Friday and I'm in a sharing and caring mood.
As we walked back to the car, the sun was behind us and I noticed Ally's shadow. She really looked funny. She had her mouth open as dogs do, so I tried to get a photo of her shadow. This is what I ended up with. Of course, I couldn't get the photo I wanted. First I couldn't get her to stop moving and coming towards me, then she closed her mouth.
How Kewl is that, hey??
Suddenly I've got really really big !!
That's all folks.
Friday, 29 August 2008
Not sure about one of the photos but the clouds are lovely. LOL And being slightly height challenged I loooooooove it when my shadow looks tall. About the only time I get to be tall!!
It's called "vertically challenged" Kazza. Like someone who is bald is "follically challenged". Glad you enjoyed my ginormous shadow. I'm not vertically challenged of course hehehehe
Gross photo Madeleine!!! I am frowning now lol!
I'll probably end up dreaming condomns now.
I hope you dreamed about long lost relatives instead Kahless. Would be far better than Rosymosie's picture!! LOL Your search sounds fascinating. My Grandad and Nanna both came from England and I reckon I have numerous rellies over there I'd love to trace but haven't done it so far. I did start to do it but didn't get very far.
Havent gone to sleep yet Kazza...
I have access to the census and births, deaths and marriages records here so if you want me to look up anything for you let me know...
I dreamt I 'acquired' a new dog actually!
A cute beagle puppy.
Loved the shadow one of you and allie and how can we forget human contraception!
Take care
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