Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Couldn't resist

I couldn't resist posting these two. I've very pleased with the way they turned out.

Birds 011

Birds 012

Just showing off a bit.



Wednesday, 10 September 2008


KazzaB said...

They're great photo's Rosymosie. If the butterfly had been on the white flower it would have blended into the petals!! Can't wait to see some of your photos when you go overseas!!

Kahless said...

I am trying to think what the flower is. Seem to have african violet stuck in my head but that is probaly wrong.

Great photo's!

Rosymosie said...

Daisies Kahless.

KazzaB said...

Hey Kahless, the photos were taken in my front garden.......I'll take a photo and post it so you can see how many daisy's there are in my front garden at the moment. I won't try and get a butterfly like Rosymosie cause she's a better photographer than I am!!

Rosymosie said...

there are 100s of daisies in Kazza's front garden. They are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

So beautiful! Wonderful pictures gez! Thank you so much for that!


Rosymosie said...

Thanks roses. Keep watching this spot for the photos I take while overseas. Not long now.