Wednesday, 29 October 2008


Cold this morning. Has been cold the last couple of mornings and when M went out the other day, he rang to say that the car was covered in ice. I took a picture (of course), but it didn't turn out all that well. We had left it a bit late in the morning.

Today I went outside after M&K had left and got these photos.

Wednesday 006

How kewl is that?

Wednesday 004

That's ice on the leaves.

Off to Blenheim Palace today. Will update you on the day's events later I suspect.


Wednesday, 29 October 2008


KazzaB said...

Gorgeous photos Madeleine. Looks verrrrrrrrrry cold. Brrrrrrrr. It's almost back to winter here the last few days too. Although not as cold.

Rosymosie said...

It was a bit cold Kazza, but not all that bad. I almost slipped on the ice taking the photos.

Veedub said...

Brrrr, it does look cold...and it's only October!

Great doubt you will have plenty of opportunities to take more of ice...and snow...and frost...and icicles. You did pack long johns, didn't you?

Take care.

Rosymosie said...

It's really cold today. I've not been out all day LOL. It's almost time to dig out the long johns. And yes, I did bring them. Still haven't found a hat though.

Kahless said...

We had snow last night; I may post a picture later. If I can think of something to write with it! You definately will need thermals when you visit me.

Rosymosie said...

Just so long as it's warm inside, Kahless, I'm happy. I do prefer the cold to the heat. I do know how cold, cold can get having grown up in Canada.