I was out in the back garden this morning. I have been watching one of the trees in the garden. This is a photo of what the tree looked like in September when I first arrived and as it was today.
The leaves have all dropped off and the tree looks totally bare, doesn’t it?
However when you look closely, this is what I saw:
Now why would this tree have new buds and growth on it at this time of the year??
Just curious.
I will probably be offline all weekend. We are off to Southampton for the weekend. The trip includes: a pantomime in Southampton, Winchester Cathedral, and Stonehenge (the real sized one). So wait for more photos and writings starting on Monday. I’m sure my camera will be very busy this weekend.
Friday, 28 November 2008
Change. I hate change! Except in nature.
Have a fab weekend. Cant wait to hear what you have to say about the panto.
I love it when trees and plants start to bud and it seems to happen so quickly. My fruit tree out the back was bare one minute and full of fruit the next or so it seemed.
Have a great time in Southhampton!!
We did have a great weekend, Kahless and Kazza in spite of the weather. I am going to have to wear my long johns when I go out all the time now. Winter is on it's way.
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