Browsing my photos, I’ve realised there are quite a number that don’t fit into little stories. So here are some of them.
I spotted this little miss in someone’s back garden in Babbacombe. Check out her bottom lip!!
I walked a bit further and here she was in all her glory.
I like this sign. This is called making sure the kids (or other smart alecks) get the total message.
Oh, yes and for people who are paranoid about germs when they use a public toilet, this is for them.
Just wave your hand in front of the button and the loo flushes itself. For washing your hands, you put your hand in a slot and eventually hot water came out and washed your hands. When the water stops, there was another outlet which blew hot air to dry your hands. I took a photo of the loo button but there were too many people around to take one of the neat little hand washing machine.
I didn’t actually notice this until I looked at the photo. Mama Spire and Baby Spire
When you grow up, you will be as big as me!!
Now this is rather cool. This is an old walking trail half way down the cliff face. The whole face has been blocked off as it is crumbling and becoming dangerous. But you can still see the outline of what appears to be old walking tracks.
Here’s another bit
And this is where they are. Somewhere up the top of this hill (?), mountain (?). It’s not the greatest of photos, but does give an idea of where these pathways are.
The stairs from my room at the top
These were quite scary. Every time I went down, I felt like I was going to fall over the railing. I didn’t. But sure felt like I might.
While I was sitting at Torquay Harbour, I noticed that on the top of most of the poles, was this:
You had to watch where you sat or you would got shat upon. The gulls here were pretty bloody big too so I can imagine the size of their......
I found it interesting that Torquay was called “The English Riviera” and the platform I left from the train station was derelict. There was a building on the platform, but inside was nothing except rubble and rubbish. I do hope this is a winter thing and not what happens in summer when all the tourists come.
This is Tor Bay in Torquay. Nothing in comparison to Australian beaches.
I liked this one as well. A shopping centre. Now is that great or is that great !!
This building has had quite a history. Check out:
So that was some of the other sights I saw around Torquay and Babbacombe.
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
The little train looks like it's hiding doesn't it!! Ready to peep around the corner and see who is coming.
Love the miscelanious photos. The loo one is great - I think they have those in Japan but even the doors are automatic so you don't have to touch anything. Kewl hey.
Torquay's pavillion looks somewhat like Brighton's.
The loo reminds me of Berlin's; many seemed on auto flush. I got quite a fright (and wet bottom lol) when it surprised me first time round!
Love your icon btw!!!!
Like KazzaB,
I liked the train as well.
I assume that is the back door to the house
Thanks Kazza. it's funny how toilet photos always get a comment. I'm not sure what the train is doing there. I'm assuming it's one of Thomas's friends but can't find any info on her.
Kahless at least this one doesn't flush automatically. I've used ones where you get to a certain point and suddenly the loo flushes. It is most disconcerting!!
I haven't change my icon. Still got my ephalump.
Hey Graffiti. I hadn't thought of it as being the back door to the house. Weird.
the icon comment was meant for Kaz!
And Kaz, I think it is 2 weeks up???
I am changing my icon!!!!
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