Tuesday, 11 November 2008


The Lighthouse

2008 11 09-7

When I first looked at this photo I thought there  was something wrong with it!. Then I realised that there was paint missing on the lighthouse itself. Most of the ones I found on the net must have Photoshopped it out !!

Kahless showed me some of the local shells. I’ve got no idea what they are called and an internet search hasn’t helped at all at this stage. I will add anything if I work out what they are.

2008 11 09-21 cropped

Here’s another one:

2008 11 09-24

Isn’t it cool.

This is the other side. Kahless reckoned you never find them whole and we found them whole much to her surprise !! This one had one side whole.

2008 11 09-25

I’m not sure what these are. Wooden thingees sticking out from the beach, but aren’t the timber colours stunning.

2008 11 09-26

As we walked along the beach, the sand shapes changed. So of course, I had to photograph it.

2008 11 09-29

I’m tempted to try and Photoshop the brick out. It is really irritating me !!

It’s a great spot for dogs. We watched one of these dogs lose their ball and circle around and around to try and find it. Ally would have love this spot.

2008 11 09-10

You can see how cold and windy it is. Everyone is rugged up nice and tight.

The dunes (you can just see the lighthouse in the background)

2008 11 09-11

And the beach

2008 11 09-15

The other direction

2008 11 09-14

Nothing like the Australian beaches that’s for sure.

Out in the ocean we could see the wind farms. I reckon they would be great here. The whole time I was here the wind was blowing a gale.

2008 11 09-18  

Also, off in the distance I could see:

2008 11 09-42

Oil Rigs I think. They were a long way away and it’s only the fact that I’ve got such a good zoom on my camera that I could photograph them.

A sign

2008 11 09-53

I know I certainly wouldn’t swim in this water. It would have to be an awful lot warmer before I even thought about taking some of my clothes off let alone getting into bathers.

By this time, we were both getting cold so we decided to head into Chester to check out the sights. And that’s another little story.


Tuesday, 11 November 2008


Kahless said...

For the record my stomach isn't that big in the photo - rather I had a load of belongings stuffed into my inside coat pockets

Rosymosie said...

I hadn't even noticed anything other than your hand and the shells !! I bet no one else does but you hehehe!!

Kahless said...


Actually, it looked like one big tum on my blackberry but fine on the pc!

Kahless said...

I have researched...
The long ones..

"English Sea Urchin Spines Seashells - Measures approx . 75"-1. 5". These are the actual spines of the English sea urchin. Used by the creature for protection from other predators."

Rosymosie said...

I toldja it wasn't big !!

Well done with the research, Kahless. Thanks mate.

Kahless said...

The others are cockle shells perhaps?

Rosymosie said...

Blue Bells
Cockle shells
Evvie ivy over
I like coffee, I like tea,
I like the boys and the boys like me!
Yes no maybe so, repeated over and over until the jumper misses.

That's the first thing that came into my mind when you said cockle shells :-)

KazzaB said...

I've never seen long shells before. My Grandad used to make the big shells up into lights. They were really lovely.

BTW we do have wind farms here. http://www.horizonpower.com.au/environment/renewable_energy/wind/index.html I have some photos somewhere of the Esperance ones.

I love your photos and Kahless, I didn't notice your tum. LOL Just the shells.

KazzaB said...

I wasn't sure how you get the link to come out so you can just click on it, so you'll have to copy and paste. Sorry about that. LOL

Kahless said...

Did you notice my bitten fingernails instead?

Anonymous said...

The brick gives the picture character and give our conversation scope. It kind of talks about how time changes.

I like that; there's a stone and a brick in the changing sands of time type thing.

Kahless, i didn't notice your nails till you said! *giggles*

KazzaB said...

I didn't notice your nails Kahless. I noticed the colour of your clothes, the ring on your finger and the shell you were holding.


Thanks Kahless, for your tip, testing if I'm getting the link right. LOL

KazzaB said...

Yayyyyyy, it worked Kahless. LOL I couldn't figure out why the here was in there as well. LOL I've printed out the destructions and will keep them to do it again.

Rosymosie said...

Morning Kazza, Kahless and Roses. Kazza: I hadn't seen the wind farms in Australia, thanks for that link. They are all over the UK, I think that's about the 3rd or 4th lot I've seen.

Kahless, your hands and tum are fine LOL. Nobody even noticed them.

Roses. Okay. I still don't like the brick even if it does give us something to talk about :-)