Well it is 6 o’clock in the morning. I have almost finished my first cup of coffee and am half watching the morning tv shows and half reading my book. Anyone who knows me, knows that 6 a.m. just doesn’t exist for me. My body time clock is so out of whack, I woke up about a quarter past 5 and couldn’t get back to sleep. So I’m thinking about the house and what needs doing during the rest of the week until I go back to work on Monday.
I’m also waking up hungry. Which for people who know me, is also unheard of. My body clock says it is 9 p.m. and I haven’t given my stomach any dinner yet.
Kazza picked me up from the airport and, great person that she is, supplied dinner, a chocolate bar and a bottle of coke. I like the way she thinks. All the important things one might need when returning home after 4 months. Also, the house sitters have left me a meal. So having only eaten half of what Kazza left, I now have meal for at least the next three nights.
On the way home, we stopped at the local petrol station and got some bread, chips, butter and plastic cheese. You can’t buy plastic cheese in the UK. So basically with the coffee that has been in the freezer for the last 4 months, and the sugar that has been in the cupboard, I am set for the next couple of days.
I’m really not quite sure what to do with myself. The house looks familiar and yet totally unfamiliar at the same time. At one level, I know where everything is, I put things where they are; at another level, I have to stop and think where is my coffee cup? It’s a really interesting feeling.
The fur kids: Ally was the first to see me. She looked totally stunned and still does. She didn’t run around like a wild animal, she was incredibly subdued and quiet in her reaction. Her tail is down and her ears are down. Not a happy puppy. I wonder if she misses Jacqui and Alex who have been looking after her for the last four months. I just went outside and there she was, tail up, ears up, playing with Harry. Hopefully, she gets that I’m here to stay now, even though the suitcases are still on the table waiting to be emptied.
Harry: He came to visit while Kazza was here. Only briefly. Didn’t come for a pat, but then Harry never does. But he is hanging around and came for a pat this morning.
Sunny: I went into the cupboard after I got home and there was my cupboard cat. She’s not been in the cupboard since. She follows me around. Too hot for lap sitting, but she stays very near where I am.
Jacqui and Alex’s comments about Sunny (they’ve been thinking she is a he all this time):
“Sunny: what can I say about Sunny, only that he won our hearts. He is such a lovely cat. Likes to be cuddles lots and to be with you all the time. We gave him one of our pillows for his Christmas presents as he is not a big eater (a bit fussy only likes his tin food).”
All the fur kids got Christmas presents and they left me a photo of Ally amongst the presents. I must admit, she does not look happy.
A mossie is trying to eat me. I’ve not had a mossie bite in over four months.
Overall, I’m happy with the way they looked after the place. But it is going to take a while to get back into the swing of things. I’m going to go and try and start the car and take it in for a service. That’s task number 1.
Catcha soon, hopefully with some photos.
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
So on uk time; not long til your bedtime!
Glad you got home safely and your fur kids were safe too.
I don't think Ally could quite figure out that it was you. She was so gentle and a bit disbelieving!! Is it really you or are you going to disappear again and the other people appear??? But then she did get excited, just a subdued excited. LOL
Sunny was gorgeous - if a cat could look glad to be with someone again, she did. LOL
Yah, Kahless, and it's not even lunch time here LOL. I'm glad I got home safely too. Got car booked in for a service tomorrow. RAC out this a.m. to start her LOL
Yup, Kazza, the fur kids are settling in very nicely. Ally was having a go at Harry this a.m. All back to normal.
6am??? Sheesh!
I'm glad the wheels of home life are gradually beginning to churn for you. Yeah (RAC) sometimes i need a jump start after a bit of a spell *giggles*
Welcome home and all the best...
My word verification is: cardstac.
Go figure!
Allie is displaying the first level of reaction on the separation abandonment continuum
How's tricks there Gez?
By the way, I'm up to my old mischievous blogging tricks. Found this older fella living the cliche, and moaning on and on about the ways of the 'younger generation' (he was even quoting that 'orrible right wing rag, 'The Daily Mail', beloved by a certain type of English man who wears driving gloves and wears beige...)
Anyway, couldn't leave this alone, so I posted the following comment (just to confuse him):
'Ta pootun hic marzle plip
Stow floody ma hinckle butt
Inga sook murdle
O inga sook murdle...'
Being a sensible old fella, he's got moderation activated, and I'll eat my hat if he posts it, but I have to say, I cried - I mean, actually cried! - with laughter at the thought of his sheer incomprehension. It was 3.05am - oh, the sheer absurdity of it all!
Oh dearie me, what is a DeBunkem to do!
~ Colin
You know what Gez?
I just read in something psychologically based that people who sleep too much die earlier.
So i'm practicing waking up at or before 6am every day now.
atish - the word verification thingy for me. So i'm waking up atish 6am. *Giggles* How cool is that!! What a great word... atish
Its snowing snowing snowing here. And still snowing!
Cant wait till I get up in the morning!
Hope you're okay Gez?
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