I have had great difficulty writing this post. I keep thinking about what to say. This is my last day here in Oxford. I’m getting organised to finish my big adventure. Looking at the stuff I bought and wondering how it will all fit in my suitcases. I’m saying goodbye to the places I’ve known for the last 4 months and knowing that even if I do return it will all be the same, but different. I’m saying goodbye to M&K for the next little while. They are planning a trip to Australia in October so I will see them then, but I’m feeling sad. I hate flying so that doesn’t help as well.
Nothing much to say. I’ve had a great trip. Probably one of the adventures of my life – and there have been a few of those during the last 62 years and there will be more.
In the mean time, this one is coming to an end and I’m feeling sad about it. It has been a great adventure and M&K and I were talking about how much I have seen over the last 4 months.
Time to start planning my next adventure.
I will be back in Perth on the 27th January, but till then, I may or may not be online. So my Perth friends, I will be available from the 28th if you want to drop by and say Gdday. For the rest of my friends, particularly my new ones in the UK, I will see you again one day, and do remember, there is a bed for you in Australia if you ever decide to come and visit me.
Friday, 23 January 2009
I had tears in my eyes reading that Madeleine!! It really came through what you are feeling. I'm excited you are coming home but I know what mixed feelings you must have.
Enjoy Singapore and seeya next week!!
Goodbye Madeleine.
I hope you have a safe trip back to Perth.
Hey Kazza. Won't be long now. I will enjoy Singapore and be back in Perth on Tuesday.
Kahless, my friend, I will be seeing you again.
Hi Madeleine, that's sad writings - you're always true to you when you write; always so genuine that you shine through.
I'm so glad to have met you, and so are my clan. It's been quite an adventure hasn't it! Brilliant...
It has been a brilliant adventure, Colin, and I'm glad I'm part of your clan, cause I'm afraid you will probably be seeing me again. I love the UK and plan on going back again.
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