The trip to London was interesting. I met a cat on the bus. Now I know in Australia animals are not allowed on public transport. Here is it totally different. I could write a book about dogs I have met on my travels, but a cat on the bus was a first. Why, you ask? A cat in a cage. Travelling. Yah, okay, it happens. This cat did not stay in his cage, but quite happily sat on his owner's lap the whole trip.
Let's start at the beginning. The bus to London stops at a number of places. Eventually, all the seats had one person sitting in them and people had to double up. This woman came to me, arms full of all sorts of things, and asked if I minded cats. I looked at her a bit puzzled. I hadn't noticed the cage in her hands. I said I love cats. I have two of my own and where I'm staying right now has two cats. So she sat down beside me, with a bit further chat, and place the cat cage on her lap.
Fine. Then she opened the door of the cage. I thought, Okay??? Now we are going to have to worry about this cat wandering the bus. Eventually, Louie poked his head out of the cage and started investigating his surroundings. Lovely looking fellow. Long haired.
As time went on, the cat hopped out of the cage, and she put it down on the floor and Louie started to investigate a bit further. He started to head to the floor. His owner touched him and said: No, you stay on my lap. And he did. For the next hour or so, while we were talking, she petted him, and he sat there, quite happily on her lap.
In the course of our conversation, she talked a bit about Louie and his travel adventures.
On one of his trips, train, they were sitting in one of the sets of four seats, which in the UK have a table in the middle. She mentioned that there were three business looking men, wearing suits, that sort of thing. She needed to go to the loo, so she sat Louie on the seat, told him where she was going and to stay where he was. She did say that the others in the seats gave her a bit of a funny look. When she came back, Louie had found a lap to sit on with one of the men. But he hadn't gone wandering around the train.
I don't remember all the stories she told me of Louie's travels. But she, and the cat, were both fascinating.
At one stage, the bus driver's offsider came and moved the cage, reckoned it was in the way if there was an emergency. Louie looked at him, and needed some time to resettle himself when his home went off down the bus aisle. But he did.
When it was time for her to get off, she hooked Louie over her arm, picked up her packages, popped him back into his cage and off she went. One very happy little cat and his owner.
Friday, 16 January 2009
Seems the name Louie is a bit like the name Ralph...dogs, cats, flies, cartoon characters are regularly named Louie or Ralph.
Ralph didn't want any of his kids or grandkids named after him for this reason, so he was quite happy to have our grandson called....Louis aka Louie. LOL
You can't win!
Ohh i love that! I really like Louie alot and his lady owner... Wow!
But what i'm boggling over right now are the beach houses and what they were originally used for.
Totally blowen away Gez. Wow!
Hi Gezunda,
Speaking of animals.
I hope Allie remembers you when you get home as it has been so long.
have you talked with her on the phone while you are away?
I must admit, Veedub, I wouldn't name a kid Ralph, or Louis for that very reason. I wonder why those names tend to be attached to dogs, cats.... etc?
Have you just read about the beach houses Roses. People in those days were total prudes.
No, Graffiti, I haven't spoke to Ally on the phone since I've been away. She will remember me!! She will remember me!! She will remember me!!
Ally will remember you Rosymosie, no fear.
I have seen someone walking a cat on a lead before now.
And someone at work walked their rabbit!!! Well did so until it died of mixamatoasties.
Mrs K has just said "You cant say that; it ruins the lovely story"
so pretend I never said that.
I have trouble conceiving of it i'm afraid. I'm a prude - fully - but i just can't conceive of the thought of a house on wheels at the beach so that you can swim indoors with out anyone seeing you?
I'd draw the curtains and get naked. Skinny dipping feels so good.
Hi Gez, I loved the story of Louie the cat!! I've never known a cat to obey anyone, even the owner before!! LOL
Using Veedub's puter, cause mine is still in computer hospital. Hopefully I'll get it back tomorrow. The hard drive needs to be replaced.
I figured the story of Louie de cat would be appreciated. Kahless, tell Mrs K that I appreciate her appreciation of my story.
Roses, it's a good thing you didn't live in Victorian times. You would have had to not show off your body, no skinny dipping LOL.
Kazza, good to hear from you and glad Lappie is fixable. Also glad you enjoyed the story of Louie de cat
Louie the lap cat sounds a cool cat - lovely tale. Hope all is well with you.
Well when I took Allie for walkies the other day I showed her a photo of you and she said, "Who the heck is that!!"
I'm glad you enjoyed the tale of Louie De Cat, Colin. I enjoyed meeting him
Sunny Day, what are you doing sucking up to my dawg?? Hey??
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