Sunday, 11 January 2009

Oxford in Winter

January Snow Looking into the allotments

Allotments in snow

Fog Looking into the allotments

Allotments in fog

Community Centre, with snow

 Community Centre with snow

Community Centre car park with fog

Community Centre with fog

This morning I went for my constitutional and saw something. I had forgotten my camera, so went home, got M&K moving and we all went to see.

Ice Osney Lock

These were very hard to photograph. With the white of the water and the clear of the icicles, they only showed up in this photograph. We tried to find another spot to get a better photo of them, but couldn't. How kewl is this??

This was some ice on leaves.

Ice on plants

This photo's from the Osney Bridge looking towards the lock in the fog.

From Osney Bridge Fog

This is ice on Osney Lock. M&K went out late one night to see this. I stayed home but went down the next morning to check it out.

Ice Osney Lock

This one's taken from a bit of a distance.

07 01_Misc_0033

We've all been fighting the flu and colds which is why I've been so quiet. Getting back on deck again so hopefully I will be writing about Norwich soon.

I'm rapidly running out of time so I'm also getting all the goodies I've picked up organised. I'm going to have to buy a new suitcase - one of my old ones has died.



Saturday, 10 January 2009


Kahless said...

The icicles are really cool!!!

Another downside of the cold is the flu of course!!!

I have had a bug.

Get well soon M.

Rosymosie said...

I hope you get betterer too Kahless. I think your English germs really like me!! But definitely on the mend.

I like the last photo the best. But the icicles are definitely cool!! In more ways than one.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Its such a huge contrast. Your photo's of winter now where you are and the reality of the heat of this summer over here.

I liked the icicles but my favorite i think is the icy leaf one.

What's an allotment?

Sorry about the bugs over there. I'm glad you're both feeling better. Cheers...

My word verification is - elesaw. Cute!

KazzaB said...

Fantastic photos Madeleine!! I really love the ones of the fog, especially in the allotment. I think it might be a pretty creepy place to be in amongst all that fog!! LOL The one of the icicles is amazing.

Rosymosie said...

Hey Roses, an allotment is a place where English people grow vegies and stuff like that. Because the gardens are so small here, people rent or buy small pieces of land in the allotments and do their gardening there.

Kazza, you have far too much imagination. I can almost imagine the Loch Ness monster coming out of the canal in the fog.