Saturday, 11 April 2009


I bought myself a delicious muffin the other day. Sat down in my chair to enjoy it.

26 03 Muffin 1

Looks nice, doesn't it??

Then someone came to visit me.

26 03 Muffin Sunny

You can see her licking her chops.


26 03 Muffin Sunny 3


I told her it was mine, but she didn't believe me.


26 03 Muffin Sunny 2

When she was finished:

26 03 Muffin Sunny 5

Off she went. She's my sweet toothed kitty cat.


Saturday, 11 April 2009


KazzaB said...

LOL, that's funny. So did you get to eat any of your muffin???

Guess what the word verification is - apawto!! LOL

gezunda said...

I did get to eat most of my muffin.The nice thing about the Sunny cat is that she doesn't eat much.

gezunda said...

Don't ask me why I'm suddenly logged in as Gezunda. No idea what's happened.

Kahless said...

I wouldnt share that muffin! Looks lovely!

I remember as a kid, the bloody cat eat a big chunk of my strawberry sponge birthday cake so I went without! Maybe that is why I prefer dogs!

Glad to see you havent joined a silent order convent.

Rosymosie said...

Yuk, imagine me joining a silent order - that would be hilarious. I'd be in trouble very very quickly. I might actually be back Kahless. I am getting informed twice about comments so gotta work out what's going on there.

roses said...

It's nice to see you sharing. Sunny appears to be a good friend. Great post! Cheers...

Colin said...

My word verification was 'joymlem'...

Sunny sweet toothed cat
Nibbled at the muffin
then that was that... nuffin

Hope all is well with you Gez.

~ Colin
