Friday, 18 January 2013


Arrived in Dubai for my second visit absolutely wiped out. I had misjudged the flying time (only 6 hours), the time of leaving (10:15 p.m.), and the differences in time zones (+4 hours). What this means is that I ended up with 2 or 3 hours sleep and arrived at 7 a.m. Dubai time. By the time I got to the hotel, checked in etc, it was about 8:30 a.m. And I'm not getting any younger. Laid down on the bed, just for a couple of minutes. Of course, I fell asleep. Roused up at one stage to check the time and it was about noon. The next thing I knew it was about 2 p.m. So much for one of my 2 days in Dubai.

Got something to eat and figured I would go for a bit of a walk, just so I could say I didn't waste the whole day. The street my hotel is on is quite busy. It has a section in the middle, fenced, with benches, trees, and a walk way. Lots of men sitting on the benches, chatting. Men walking up and down the street. Cafes near the hotel, more benches on the side of the road. Men in the cafe, drinking whatever, chatting. Found a supermarket and thought I woulld see what it had. Same sort of things in Dubai as in London as in Australia – Cadburys chocolate, colgate toothpaste, Special K, vegetables and fruit, a delicatessen counter with cold meats. Men standing around chatting and shopping.

I think I saw about 4 women the whole time I was out. I wonder where they all are.

I didn't feel anyone was staring at me, or anything like that. Just felt very uncomfortable. I saw a young girl wearing very short shorts and a very short sleeved top (not recommended for Muslim countries), but no one was paying her any attention. Maybe that was the problem. The lack of attention for the very few women walking down the streets.

Right now I'm listening to the calls to worship. It happens at least 3 times every day that I've heard. One in the morning, one around noon and the other in the early evening. Apparently there is a Qibla sign in every corridor to indicate the direction of Mecca. I've been looking but still not found one. Just googled it so now I know what I'm looking for.

Just logged into my blog again. I noticed it the last time I was here. The writing at the top is in Arabic. When I do a “Preview”, that too is in Arabic. I've reset the time on my computer to Dubai and my computer is doing things in Arabic. Rather funny to see. My writing is still in English which is great. I would hate to have it all suddenly changed to Arabic !! Problem is, I can't work out which icon says “New Post” so I can post this!!

18 January 2013

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