Saturday, 7 June 2008

Birds and sunsets

It was beautiful down by the river tonight. Took some great photos (if I do say so myself).

At one stage, the mossies were so bad I stopped to spray myself and ended up with drops all over the camera lens so had to get rid of a couple. Overall I’m very pleased with the way they turned out.

This is the reflection of the sunset in the water


I got a kewl video that I hope works. I've not put a video on a blog yet.

A large flock of birds took off down the river, full of noise. The reason it stops so abruptly was that I met up with someone I knew and she sort of grabbed me to say hello.


Saturday, 7 June 2008


Kahless said...

What wonderful photos; I loved the top one especially.
And the vid.

Rosymosie said...

thanks Kahless. I was rather pleased with them myself. If I'd just been a second quicker, I would have caught them all taking off.

KazzaB said...

Gorgeous photos Rosymosie!! And the video is great. I love listening to birds. I've got a willy wag tail that visits me and he chirps away. He's got quite a loud chirp as well. They're such cheeky birds.

Rosymosie said...

when I played back the video, I was surprised at how loud the birds were. I hadn't heard them while I was photographing. Obviously too busy with other things.

Spilling Ink said...

Wow! These are great! Nice job.

I'll have to watch the vid later as I am stuck at my bedroom desk due to a dead laptop battery. The husband is sleeping and I don't want to bother him, but I DO want to be able to hear the birds.

Rosymosie said...

Thanks Lynn. the birds are not all that loud :-), but you can hear them.