Friday, 13 June 2008

Double standards

Recently in Australia, a female primary school teacher was “dismissed” and eventually investigate for posing nude in a photo in a sealed section of a woman’s magazine. She posed with her husband, also a teacher and also naked. The photograph is very tasteful. It is beautiful. (Check it out).

" “Mr Tziolas said his wife's decision to take part in the Cleo feature, in which she revealed intimate details of her marriage, had resulted in her being asked by the department to prove why she did not belong on a prohibited employment list.

That list includes paedophiles, child pornographers, convicted drug dealers and incompetent teachers. It's pretty much like a criminal record as far as teaching or working with children is concerned," Mr Tziolas said." (full story)

There was an interview with them on the news just now. She was fired, investigated, and eventually reinstated in a special needs school where she says, she is not qualified to teach. Her husband, has not had anything said to him, has not been fired or suspended or investigated.

I presume that putting her into a special needs school hits a chord for me. The education department sees it as a demotion for her, putting her out of the mainstream, I don’t know. Punish your teachers. Put them in charge of the retards!! That’s what it feels like to me. My daughter went to a special needs school, and I find this sort of thing totally distasteful.

However I am getting off track and onto my soap box.

And why, why, was nothing done or said to the husband? Well, we all know the answer to THAT question, don’t we !


Friday, 13 June 2008


Kahless said...

Bloody hell; has the world gone mad? Nowt wrong with the photo.

Special needs teachers should surely be seen as the more highly qualified too?

And yes, we all know the answer to your question!!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe he didn't say so much in the magazine about their relationship? They were lovely picture too. The ones i saw on the telly anyway.

Does he teach high school maybe - and that's why? I don't know why. Maybe she showed her boob but he didn't show his diddle. I don't know. It's a bit - I don't know it's a bit - well everyone thinks differently and has different points of view so it's a bit tricky i guess.

I wonder how lovely this world will actually be when we don't have to live with consequences to our actions? I really don't know.

But G'day anyway... roses

KazzaB said...

I think it is absolutely ridiculous Rosymosie. Like living in the 1800's for goodness sake. The picture is extremely tasteful and is a beautiful portrait of two people. You have to wonder at the education departments mentality and these people are in charge of children's education? As to the man not being treated the same as the woman, it's unbelievable. Have things really not changed that much now we're in the 21st Century???


Rosymosie said...

Nothing has really changed, has it Kahless. In spite of all the years of women fighting for equal rights, the same double standards still apply.

And yes, special needs teachers should be more highly qualified. Not the place they send teachers who are "bad" !!

Rosymosie said...

G'dday Roses. I don't think it's about not taking the consequences of our actions, I think it's about fairness between men and women. He is a primary school teacher.

Rosymosie said...

No,Kazza, things have not really changed. Nice rant though !! I couldn't have done better myself LOL. I agree with you 100%

Anonymous said...

Well, if the consequences are that the woman in the photo will get the bullet every time then that's what will happen isn't it?

I don't know whether much in life is fair rosy.

Rosymosie said...

Yes, Roses. And it's only by people like her, going public, standing up for her rights, that things will change. So I admire her for that.