Saturday, 28 June 2008


I have written about fashion previously (Big Hair for example). Last night I went up to the shops to get some takeaway for my dinner. As I slopped out of the car, I suddenly had a thought about what my mother would have thought of my appearance. I was wearing my grotty, sloppy ugh boots, track pants, a loose top (with, yes, no bra underneath), and an even looser jacket over the top of it all.

I can remember having to wear gloves and a hat to go “into town”. I can remember arguments between my sister and my mother about girls wearing jeans “into town”.

Going into town was a major excitement. We didn’t do it often, and remember I am talking about the days before the big shopping centres where you can buy most of what you need from local shops. We didn’t have a car, so we had to take the bus. You had to make sure you were properly dressed. My mother, who rarely wore make-up, would put on her lipstick and her rouge (blush for the current generations). We would be inspected to make sure we came up to scratch and weren’t going to embarrass my mother with our appearance.

My mother would have been appalled at my appearance the other night. When I looked around, no one even noticed by dishevelled appearance. In fact, I noticed some girls in the shop with me who were wearing “fashionable” ugh boots. They looked very comfortable and nice. Comfortable was not in our vocabulary in those days. It wasn’t about something loose which felt good. It was about something that looked good. We didn’t wear something which we could loosen when we went out for dinner, we ate less so we didn’t fill our clothes too much. Now, when I know I’m going to pig out at a meal, I wear something that I know will stretch with my stomach !!

Language is another area that has really changed. I was told off, even as an adult, if I said “Shit”. You never heard it on television, when we finally got television, and certainly did not hear “fuck”, and the “C” word I didn’t even know. I remember my sister telling my father to “fuck off” when I was about 10 years old. I didn’t know what the word was or meant. I only knew by the reaction that she had done a very, very bad thing. I don’t remember what happened after that. I suspect I disappeared, as would all smaller, younger, smarter sisters when they knew that the shit was about to hit the fan.

Every so often when I’m watching television, getting ready to go out, or even just watching the way people dress at work, I contemplate the changes in fashion over the last 60 years.


Saturday, 28 June 2008


Anonymous said...

Sounds like it was a relaxing evening and that the CP seems not too have much influence these days.



Rosymosie said...

No, not about that sort of thing. It was cold and i really didn't care who saw me :-)

Kahless said...

go on, post some pictures!!!!

I just got back from town. When I got in there I noticed that I had food all down by cargo pants and really greasy hair. I dont bother with bra's except at work, either.

Love your new widgets. Why dont you add seconds to the countdown?

Rosymosie said...

Kahless I still haven't worked out how to take a photo of myself.

I do like the image though of food all down the cargo pants and greasy hair.

I will add minutes and seconds when it gets closer to the day. right now I'm happy with just weeks and days.

I love the clocks. I figured I never know what time you're on so now I know.

Watching the Dicar of Vibley right now.

Kahless said...

I meant have you got any old photo's of yourself in your twenties say so we can see the old fashions....

Hope the Dicley of Vibar is good tonight.

Rosymosie said...

I do actually, Kahless. Watch this spot. The dickley of vibar was great, as usual. I'm actually looking forward to seeing some other english shows. the ones we get here are usually pretty good. Judge John Deed, now there's a hunk !! Maybe showing my age on that one LOL

Kahless said...

I love John Deed too.

Dr Who is on tonight and we have a daleks episode so I am really excited!

Rosymosie said...

I'll do it tomorrow Kahless. I've got to scan some photos and don't feel like doing it tonight. I've not actually scanned many of myself, mostly ones of other peoples.

Rosymosie said...

I'm watching an ABBA special on tv

Rosymosie said...

I'm up late tonight kahless. had turned the sound off so didn't hear your comment come through. Dr. Who never did much for me I'm afraid. I hope you enjoy it.

I'm off to bed now. finally. it's almot 130. I'm pulling a Kahless tonight :-)

Kahless said...

Sleep tight.
Make sure the bed bugs dont bite!
