I’ve been scanning some of my really old UK photos. I want to take them with me and possibly go back to some of these places. I came across this one and a memory.
When I first arrived in the UK, I was there, with a friend, for a 2-1/2 week holiday. I ended up staying in Europe for over 2 years. We had organised a bus tour so we could see as much as possible in the short time we thought we would be there.
When I first arrived in the UK, I was there, with a friend, for a 2-1/2 week holiday. I ended up staying in Europe for over 2 years. We had organised a bus tour so we could see as much as possible in the short time we thought we would be there.
This apparently is a Highland Cow. I presume they are so furry to protect themselves from the cold.
I was fascinated by this cow and had to have a photo. I wandered into the field, the intrepid little photographer, even then. Stood on a stone, or so I thought, and then realised that this stone I was standing on, was not actually a stone, but a very, very large cow patty, probably from this very beast !!
Took ages to get it off my shoe. I was only 21, totally embarrassed, and very, very aware of the smell. Even then, I could see the humour in the happening.
This last one is not a photo I took. In those days, I wouldn’t have taken a photo of a cow patty. Much too embarrassing. Nowadays I would. Also, in those days I was using film and was much more selective about the photos I took.
Thursday, 12 June 2008
LOL, that's funny. Yuk!! Sorry, had to have a bit of a laugh about that one!!
I love the picture of the cow. It looks cute.
It was funny. Even at the time I could see the humour in the situation. Must admit, I was rather impressed with the cow. Hence my desire to photograph it, in spite of all obstacles.
I cant beleive you have a photo of a cow pat!!!
Do you not have them in the land of Oz?
I was a city girl, Kahless. I'd barely seen a cow let alone a cow pat LOL. I'd certainly never seen a furry cow. I was born in Canada and I hadn't been to Australia at that stage. I didn't take the photo of the cow pat, I googled that. But if I get the chance, i will just to gross you out hehehehe!!
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