Friday, 20 June 2008

Mouse Murderer !!

According to my daughter, I was a mouse murderer. She was not happy with me. When I collected the morning’s loot, mouse traps with dead critters in them, she would stand there, with her hands on her hips, and stare at me accusingly. “Mom,” she would say: “You are a mouse murderer !!”

I guess she was about 10 years old. We had had mice in our old house and I suspect we brought them with us. Cute little things they were. I like mice. But these mice were beyond a joke. I had everything in my pantry in containers. If I didn’t, I would pick up a packet of something, and out would come the contents from a nice little mouse hole and even some extra little goodies that didn’t belong in the packet. I would open my cupboards and the smell of mouse pee would ooze from the cupboard.

The final straw was the day I moved a container, and suddenly there were about 6 baby mice scurrying around my pantry. I grabbed as many as I could, and gently put them down the back of the garden. I really don’t like killing the little suckers.

That day I went and bought some mouse traps. That’s when I became the mouse murderer. My daughter was incensed with me. How dare I kill these cute little creatures? I had taught her well. All creatures have the right to life. What I forgot to teach her was that they had the right to life – just not in my pantry.

I eventually had to buy some poison. Mouse traps just weren’t working. It seems like there is a mouse grapevine – don’t trust that food. That woman killed our brother. She’s a mouse murderer!!


Friday, 20 June 2008


KazzaB said...

LOL,Rosymosie the mouse murderer!! I can just imagine a little kids absolute horror at these cute little mousies being killed by her mother!! I must admit I don't like killing things either - I can't do the cockie crunch as it's called when you squash a cockroach. But I don't like creepy crawlies, hopping creatures or anything else inside my house. Outside is fine but not inside. LOL


Rosymosie said...

Even just reading that, Kazza gave me the willies "cockie crunch" cause that's what it sounds like. So from here on in, you too can refer to me as "the mouse murderer" !!

KazzaB said...

When I lived up North in Derby we had HUGE cockroaches. But I have never been able to squash anything and even if I accidently tread on a snail and squash it I'm horrified. You should see my face with just the thought of it!! LOL

So here on in Rosymosie is known as the Mouse Murderer!! Poor little mousies, watch out Rosymosie is around!! hehehe


Rosymosie said...

I accept the term, Kazza LOL

Kahless said...

So you are a reluctant mouse murderer?
Luckily I dont have that problem in my house as I have a mouse noise emittor to drive them away. Or that is what the thing says cos I cant hear anything.
Unfortunately I have rats in my yard.

gezunda said...

Oh, yes, definitely a reluctant mouse murderer, Kahless. I do like mice. I had one in my bedroom (cat brought it in), I collected it up (using a jar after it bit me twice), and put it outside. Spiders and cockroaches are the only things that get killed in my house. And even spiders are allowed to go back outside if there is someone around to put them there. If I'm alone, they DIE !!

Rats I'm not so sure about. As long as they are outside, they don't bother me particularly.

Kahless said...

We have 3-4 rabbits in the house a year. they are dead though; the dogs like to catch and feast on then and smear their bloody entrails through the house.


Oz is a lovely country but it has a lot of creepy creatures!

Rosymosie said...

Thanks so much for sharing that one Kahless !!

And yes, Oz does have a very large number of creepy crawleys. Actually that reminds me of another story I could blog.

Damn, Kahless, you are good at triggering my writing !!

Anonymous said...

Yeah Kahless - thank you so much for sharing the rabbit thing. Eww!

Gez? We found an 'ergonomic' mouse catcher. It's like a little cage with a hole in the top. Once the mice get in they can't get out. That's when we take them up into the bush and let them go. It's not strange to catch 4-6 in a night.

Then spider thing? I terribly dis-like them. I try to kill only the poisonous ones though. My cat and dog kill more of them than me.

Kazza! The 'cocky crunch' sounds like a kung foo move for galars! But true Ewww! And i hate the way slug sludge sticks like glue between the toes! Double Ewww!

Rosymosie said...

An egonomic mouse catcher, Roses. I'm not sure they had them at the time I was writing. sounds like a great idea.

My son used to remove spiders and save their lives. Once he left home, it was either me or the spideys. Guess who won??