Wednesday, 4 June 2008

The news tonight

Thousands of dollars found on someone’s lawn has been claimed. The owner says she was on the way to a “business deal” when she misplaced it. For some reason she didn’t report it missing. I wonder what the “business deal” was !!

Long term marijuana use shrinks the brain. Damn.

Barak Obama may become the first black US president. About bloody time. I really do not understand American politics. I just don’t understand all the money these two seem to have spent. Aren’t they on the same team?? Just doesn’t make any sense to me.

An explosion in a gas plant off the coast of WA means that we might be short of gas so we are being advised to have shorter showers, turn off gas heaters etc. I wonder how much gas is saved in comparison to how much gas some of the big businesses use.

Our prime minister, Kevin Rudd and his Deputy Julia Gillard are apparently offering themselves in an online auction for a charity. Speculation as to how Rudd would feel if Gillard raised more money or got more votes than he did. I guess many men would find this a problem, and so would many women. Not sure what I think about that.

This is the highlight of our news tonight.


Wednesday, 4 June 2008


Anonymous said...

Dammit, my brain must be the size of a peanut after all those years chugging on billies back in Oz! lol.

Rosymosie said...

Where'd you learn to speak Oz Trixie LOL. I wondered how many comments I would get about that one !! I reckon I know a lot of people who will have brains the size of a peanut!!

Anonymous said...

The highlights of the day Roseymosie!!

Maybe the human species has something to answer for


Rosymosie said...

Yes, Graffiti, the highlights of the news, certainly not the highlights of my day though.

So what do you think the human race has to answer for?

Kahless said...


I keep meaning to ask you, what is your icon picture and what does it represent?

Anonymous said...

"It's good new week!" I love that song.

Does one just go up to the police station and ask for money these days? Are their rates better than the banks?

What am i saying!

Any rate has to be better than a bank these days...


Anonymous said...

I just came from my Uni site and was forwarded to this site - about the media and stuff.

Jessica is suggesting that they fix the news. Duh! And people are surprised by this? Incredible!


Rosymosie said...

Hey Roses. I can't find any link to my blog. Can you give me more information??

Rosymosie said...

And no, Roses, apparently you have to prove it is your money and they check you out. It's been all over the news here in Perth. They won't say how much money but apparently thousands of dollars.

KazzaB said...

It was ten thousand dollars Rosymosie. Not a sum to be sneezed at, hey. I bet the people who found it are wishing nobody had come forward for it because they would have got it if it wasn't claimed!! LOL

Rosymosie said...

Kahless my icon is a picture of one of my elephants. I seem to collect them and have got quite a few. it's not a great picture and might take another one that shows it off better.

Rosymosie said...

Kazza I'd heard that they weren't giving out the amount so that could be one of the idenifying features about it. Now that they've found the person, maybe it's okay to give out the amount.

KazzaB said...

Did you hear that 20 people had come forward claiming the money was theirs!! LOL I wouldn't have the gall to do that. I'd blush and my face would give me away that it wasn't mine!! LOL They said that they could tell everyone what the amount was now that it had been claimed.

Rosymosie said...

I hadn't heard that 20 people had run up LOL. I must admit, I don't think I could lie like that either.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, I hope the actual owner of the money was the one that got it back! Poor thing.

There is always the bank...

If you copy and past the web address i left in the comment section and paste it into your address bar on the top of your browser page then click 'go' it should take you to the article. 'Should' being the key word in that whole sentence, by the way.

I hope that helps - just in case it doesn't work, the article was about a journalist being told to only write nice things about the Bush administration prior to them (and us) sending armies to Iraq.

I really do have a bad taste in my mouth when I talk about the press. I do jewellery too!

Cheers... roses

Rosymosie said...

Thanks Roses. I read your comment wrong. I thought you were saying that from that site you were directed here to mine.

and yes,news people only report the bits they want.