A bit more information is forthcoming: “It's gone to Cottee’s and turned into raspberry cordial.” Okay. So now we at least have cordial in the sentence. But it still doesn’t make sense.
Apparently it’s an old television ad. Sounds interesting out of context. I know it means something has disappeared and not come back. But imagine how difficult it is for non-English speaking people to get a line on slang like that. Most English words (or the other way around) don’t translate well. Nor does slang.
Just more ponderings. I’m glad I moved to a country that speaks, more or less, the same language as I do.
One that I use, and have since I was a kid is “Nickels are better than coppers”. I was born in Canada. A nickel is 5c, a copper of course is a copper coin (would you believe, I can’t remember the denomination – I think it was 1c). So of course, 5c is better than 1c with the police getting in there as well (coppers). When I use it here in Australia, Australians have no idea what I’m talking about. But it makes perfect sense to me!!
Same for the Aussie friend who told me about the Cottee’s expression. It makes perfect sense to her, where I’m left thinking “Huh?”
Have a great weekend, folks. Us Aussies get there first.
Friday, 6 June 2008
I love that the same words can have different meanings. I will never forget Lynn on Tony's blog thinking that fanny meant butt!
Your fanny is your bottom, the bit you sit on. I'm with Lynn on this one Kahless. What else could it be???
I wont fall for that one!!!
Ahhhh !!! :-)
Please !!
Aussie's have a lot of problem with the word fanny, and I delight in using it !!
Also, otherwise known as
Gwat, the "C" word, twat, snatch, box, beaver, muff, punani, puna, bearded clam, puntang, snapper, pussy, gauva, spampurse, spazhole, fadge, axe wound, front bum, gash, second pair of lips
hope you dont mind me being rude!
(bet the boys turn up now btw)
Kahless, LOL. I'm still giggling. I thought you weren't going to fall for that one hehehehe.
Must admit, you know words that I've never even heard of. Well done !! Obviously a great education !!
And no, I definitely don't mind rude words.
I used google!!!
In the ad on TV, they would sing about the fruit going to cottees to make the cordial. So when we say "Gone to Cottees", it means it's gone away. LOL So if I have a thought and it disappears, its gone to cottees. LOL
Wow Kahless, them's words I've never ever heard!! LOL
BTW As an Aussie I've only ever known fanny to refer to one thing and it's not the bottom!! LOL
Thanks Kazza. Now I understand LOL.
Kahless, good work re googling. Must check some of them out.
I'm off to Tae Kwon Do.
Enjoy your "kick ass."
I guess I should go to ed; its 2.30am here. Tomorrow I am gardening.
Want to come over and do some gardening for me Kahless??? I HATE gardening with a passion. LOL I've been doing some pruning and that's not too bad but weeding..........!! I'll avoid it until it gets to drastic proportions. LOL
Have a good sleep Kahless!!
Here's the cordial ad. LOL
That ad doesn't say anything about gone to Cottees. I've seen that ad.
Have a good sleep Kahless.
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