I have had very little to do with axes. My last run in with one was in 1991 when my year at University had a celebration party. We were all about to become fully qualified social workers. It was celebration time. My house, cause it had plenty of room inside, with a large brick BBQ in the garden and a large garden. So we invited all the students, lecturers, tutors and all.
As a BBQ was to be part of the evening, G came over early to help set it up. Not being an Aussie male, of course, I have no idea how to operate a BBQ. So he is outside trying to light this BBQ – with large pieces of wood and a few bits of paper. I’m telling him he needs to chop some smaller to help get the fire started and he’s being the typical bloke, it’s fine, it’s fine. This will work.
So Madeleine, fed up with being ignored, grabs the splitting axe and some wood. Puts the wood on the chopping thingee and bang, ouch, that was my thumb !! Damn, that hurt !! An angry woman even with a small axe can be quite dangerous.
Just at that stage A walked in the door, and she took one look at it and said that we were off to the doctor. We left G there to get the fire going and meet and greet the people coming to a party at my house.
A and I went to the doctor’s. While we were sitting there, she said to me “Madeleine, your zip’s undone”. We sort of looked at each other. Me with my hand in the air, sore as the dickens, and only one had to do up my zipper. So A and I fiddled around and she pulled up my zip for me, amongst much laughter and silliness.
And yes, it did need stitches. The local hurt more than the wound did at that stage, but Madeleine was a very brave little girl, and she didn’t cry.
When we got back to the party, it was in full swing. G had been telling people that I had tried to chop off my thumb, much to everyone’s hilarity and G’s frustration. They thought I was up to some trick (who me??) and didn’t believe him. So when I arrived, stitched and bandaged, there was little sympathy. They really were thinking I was up to something and I think they were totally disappointed.
Thursday, 10 July 2008
I knew it...
I am psychic.
You are an axe wielding murderer.
Just not a very good one!!!
PS did it leave a scar?
Hehehe I like that Kahless, Madeleine's an axe wielding murderer, just not a very good one!! It helps when you hit the target and not yourself!! LOL
I must say I amused myself with that little ditty!
It's 'thumbs up' Madeleine not 'thumbs off'. I must admit that sounds really ouchy! I'm so glad you got to live another day.
Thumbs up for that post by the way
It was and wasn't funny even at the time. I may regret posting this one. I do hope you guys are having a good laugh at my expense.
Yes, Kahless it did leave a scar, but only faint nowadays.
Kazza I can't hit the inside of a barn door. what I aim at I can guarantee I will miss.
Thumbs up to you too Roses.
Glad ya'll enjoyed it.
When you're in a psychotic state it's just so easy to lose concentration and end up injuring yourself ;-)
hehehehe!! Colin, I'm coming to get you !!! hahahahaha!! Hopefully I won't be psychotic !!
Well, I'll be easy to spot - I have the contacts to get my hands on a full suit of armour (hope it doesn't rain though!).
~ Colin
Now that would be something to see Colin !! Damn. I would happily chase you around with an axe to get you into a suit of armour. What a great photo that would make !!
Oh dearie me, I'm beginning to wonder if Kahless was right in the first place! I'm just glad that you're so kahless with your axe so you'd never get to hurt me.
Colin; good one!
Oooo, only 75 days to go.....
Tum te tum te tum te tum te tum
Its 6.45am....
beep beep beep beep beep ...
Your alarm clock is going off...
quick get up!
tum te tum te tum te tum...
(I wont wake Kazza up as she is a student....)
Yeah, I need my sleep more than Rosymosie hey Kahless!! hehehe
there is no way I get up at 6:45 a.m. Kahless. That time of the day does not exist.
And no, Kazza does not need her sleep more than me. I do so there !!
So there!
Forgot that bit, didn't I??
So there!! :-)
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