Saturday, 19 July 2008

How old am I?

this is how old I am
Take 51
Double it
Multiply by 10
Add 12.002208
Square the answer
Subtract the number of sides of a pentagon / the number of sides of a UK 50p piece
Take the square root of the answer
Subtract one of the internal angles of a square
Subtract 4.004
Divide by 17

How old am I?

Thanks Kahless

Saturday, 19 July 2008


Kahless said...

I reckon you are 21

Anonymous said...

21 - you spring chicken you! I tried to work it out and yeah Kahless, it round down to 21. Kool puzzle


Rosymosie said...

I'm glad you guys are so clever to work it out. I don't think people will believe that I'm 21 though.

KazzaB said...

I got to about the fourth or something thing to do and gave up. I know your age anyway!! LOL