Saturday, 19 July 2008

Sydney Harbour Bridge Closed

Sydney Harbour Bridge is closed

Why? Because the pope is in Sydney and Catholics in the city made it happen.

Apparently hundreds of thousands of Catholics are walking across the bridge and being pilgrims.

This is only the third time in the history of the bridge that this has happened.

So why has it happened for Catholics and no other religion in Australia?

What makes them so special?

Imagine the response if hundreds of thousands of Muslims did a pilgrimage across the Sydney Harbour Bridge?


Saturday, 19 July 2008


Kahless said...

I have no time for catholicism myself.

Anonymous said...

Well when that happens Madeleine, it will probably get thumbs up or thumbs down just like these group are getting. I love it!


Rosymosie said...

Kahless, I don't have much time for any religion.

roses, It would never happen. there would be an incredible outcry if Muslims or probably any other religion tried to close down the Harbour Bridge.

KazzaB said...

I agree Rosymosie, I'm sure there would be an outcry and a half.

Anonymous said...

But it wasn't the group that closed the bridge down. Also they didn't try, they just went ahead and did it.

I understand why you say that it would never happen but we are a nation who are under a Prodestant Monarcy and here we have the bridge being over run with Catholic groups enjoying a visit from their Monarcy - Rome/The Pope.

Impossible? - but we just witnessed it.

When the Muslims have their go, it will be different again but more and more less 'impossible'. Well, that's how it seems to me.

Happy counting down towards your trip to England...