Saturday, 2 August 2008


I took the Ally dawg for a walk tonight. We've had a lot of rain these last couple of weeks, so we didn't go far down the path. It was totally covered with water and I didn't wear my boots. I did drag them out the other night so they were waiting for me, just forgot to take them.

At one stage a beautiful white corella decided to park itself at the top of a tree. He looks pretty disgruntled and turned his back on us.


2008 08 02 Corella on the tree back


















After a while he turned around to see what was going on below him.

 2008 08 02 Corella


Then he got really, really curious and turned all the way around.

 2008 08 02 Corella-3


Isn't he (I assume he is a he and not a she) stunning.


Saturday, 2 August 2008


KazzaB said...

Georgeous photos Rosymosie!! I love them. The Corella is beautiful. If he was by himself I wonder if he escaped from somewhere and belonged to someone?

Rosymosie said...

Don't know, Kazza. Unless he just stopped to check us out and see what we were up to. apparently they mate for life.

Kahless said...

Yes it is stunning!
Dont have exciting birds like this in the uk!

Rosymosie said...

It's interesting Kahless. I'm so used to these "exotic" birds that I am really looking forward to photographing different ones. to me, your birds seem more "exotic" than mine do. I will make up my own mind when I'm there. How's that for an idea?