Saturday, 16 August 2008


Very sore tonight. Went with a friend to do some retail therapy at Ikea. She's a work colleague as well as friend and she wanted stuff to decorate her new office.

We now have the largest Ikea on the Southern Hemisphere. Damn, it's ginormous. I think there are three stories and everything is flat packed i.e. you cart it to your car, and put it together at home. You decide what you want in the showroom, and then go and find it in the storeroom area. I don't know what you do if what you want is right at the top, cause the shelves must be a million feet high. Queues a mile long to pay for the goodies.

Also they won't let you take the trolleys into the car park so although we were parked very close, I had to go, get the car, reverse park into the proper place, while some idiot tried to go around me, silly bugger.

Finally out of there, headed off to drop the stuff off at work. On the way, we passed through some roadworks. While we were stopped at a red light, I watched while a guy in the passenger seat reach out his window and grab one of the witches hats. Then as we all started to move forward, he grabbed a second one. I had to laugh. What would you do with a witches hat??


So now I am sitting in my comfy chair, feet up, playing on Lara the Laptop, watching the Olympics, and resting my poor tired body.


Saturday, 16  August 2008


Kahless said...

I remember as a kid stealing a cone (witches hat to you) and then putting it somewhere else and creating a road block across a street with no roadworks.
Just 'for fun.'

Kahless said...

Hi Gez,

I cant comment on Graffiti's anymore - nothing is getting posted. I will try not to be paranoid!!!!! Can you post?

Kahless said...

Its ok I found Tonymeisters email addy and have emailed him.

Rosymosie said...

Have you tried again? Is it working or not? Don't get paranoid, Kahless, it's nothing personal LOL

Anonymous said...

I think they use them (around here that is) for skate boarding and bike riding etc. I'm sure they come in very handy for... what ever they come in very handy for.

Ikea huh? Big shopping. Still - it sounded like a lot of... fun?