This morning I've been cleaning out the pantry. I decided that much of the food in the pantry was old anyway, and 6 months from now would be really, really old. I was right. I threw out two jars of vegemite — don't ask me why I had vegemite in my pantry, let alone two jars. Someone has wanted it, realised I didn't have any, bought me some and it's just sat there for years.
Both well and truly out of date !!
I should have taken a photo of the shelf before I started but this is what it looks like when I've done some cleaning out. It was a lot fuller before.
The next shelf is even worse. Can't even see inside.
Notice the important food groups, chips and smackos. For non-Australians, smackos are dog treats. Ally loves them
Saturday, 2 August 2008
I cleaned out a couple of kitchen cupboards, too. Really needed doing. I should do the rest.
I was going to ask you the other day if you had any vegemite!! LOL I've run out and I do like the occasional bit of vegemite on my toast. But not out of date vegemite although I'd be surprised if it goes off. LOL
Hey Lynn, you're back in the land of blogging. I will be away for 4 months later this year, so need to make sure there's not too much old stuff in the pantry and freezer and places like that.
Kazza, you are quite welcome to the vegemite if you want it. One is dated use by date in 2007 though hehehehe
That's alright Rosymosie. LOL You did pass over a couple of single serve vegemites and that's what I was going to see if you had any of.
I cleaned mine out the other month and I had a packet of something 2 years out of date!!!!
We have schmako's over here and Ben and Holly love 'em.
I don't think I have found anything 2 years out of day. But I did find something with no expiry date on it LOL. Whether it just didn't, I couldn't find the date, or it was so old it was before they put expiry dates on things hehehehe
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