Just been down to the river. The Avon Descent is on this weekend and I thought I might take the little Ally dawg for a walk and see if I could get any good photos. Had to come home though. It's lunch time. I'm starving. I dressed for the cold this morning, and suddenly I'm wearing too many clothes. It's very hard to take off long johns in a park with lots of other people. And there was no public loo.
I left home about 10 a.m. and left the park just after 12, so wasn't a bad outing for the two little girls. We went to a place I've only recently discovered. Friends took me and all the dogs there on Christmas day. That day was hot and dry. This morning was cold and although not raining, still a lot of water around underfoot.
The first thing I found when I arrived was that I needed my wellies. Well dressed, nice and warm, but everything was very soggy under foot. I had put my boots in the car before I left this time. I was not going to be caught out again. So we trudged through the water and headed for the river. I discovered later that there was a dry way to get where I was going, but still glad I wore my boots. Saved some time having to walk around the puddles rather than going right through them.
I just thought a photo of my ancient wellies would be a good thing to have !! Being as how I'm behind the camera as well as in front of it, I don't think it's a bad shot !!
The first thing the Ally dawg found was a family having a breakfast BBQ. Trust my girl to think of her stomach first. I lost her a couple of times when I was busy taking pictures and knew exactly where to find her. Back with the BBQ family. She also decided that canoes were something to chase for some reason. The first canoe that came down, Ally bolted trying to catch it. Normally she is quite and obedient dog, but today for some reason, with canoes to chase and people feeding her bacon and sausages, she was not listening to me at all.
Here she is scrounging to see what food has been dropped.
The first thing I found was a cormorant drying itself on a log as they do. It was not bothered in the slightest by people being near and a number of people, me included, took photos of it. I took a video of it as well. It's a bit long and boring, but I rather enjoyed looking at it. It's also too big to upload, so unless I work out how to make it smaller, only me gets to see it. Here's some of the photos of the cormorant.
Isn't he stunning
A helicopter came past and hovered around the area I had moved away from. I'm not sure whether it was a television helicopter, but it hovered for quite some time. I could see people in the distance photographing. Even with my good zoom, I didn't try to get photos. I think I have enough photos of helicopters. I wonder if I will be on the news tonight !!
Oh, yes. Now I know why we have these little yellow poo baggies. I sat on the bank of the river to watch. I had the Ally dawg on the lead, so she couldn't get to the BBQ family. I put my hand down, right in some dog poo. YECH !! And no, it wasn't Ally's. Then I had to lean down into the river and hope like the dickens I didn't fall in.
Ally had a bit of a swim. Only because her mother pushed her in !! She was watching a dog chase a stick in the water, desperately wanting to join in, but there was a bit of a drop into the water. Not much, just a bit. Ally won't go in the water unless she can walk right it. My knee was right behind her bottom. And suddenly, my knee came forward and ran into her bottom. I didn't do it. Really I didn't. Must admit, it was rather funny. Then she ran around like a little idiot !!
We eventually got some photos of the canoes. Only canoes at that point. There are other boats that go in the Avon Descent and I suspect the rest of the boats will come down later this p.m. But for me, I'm all photographed out.
I've decided that the canoes will have to be another post. This one keeps getting longer and longer.
On the way out, I saw something that was rather nice. The water birds had found their own personal swimming pool. Not far from the river, but not on the river.
We also saw the planes heading for the airport. Soon I will be on one of those planes, going in the other direction.
I do love watching planes, just hate being in them !!
Oh, yes, another family of ducklings.
The little suckers kept moving.
Subway for lunch. Yum. I really needed some tucker, a wash of my hands, a quick visit to the loo, and take off some of my extra clothing.
That's all for now folks.
Sunday, 3 August 2008
I love your post but I had to laugh about the doggy doos. YUK!! LOL I loved the photos of the ducks. Beautiful photos. It sounds like a really nice adventursome morning. Especially for Ally, who was fed and bathed all in one walk. LOL
Fed and bathes in one walk - that's funny. I hadn't thought of it like that LOL.
I really wanted to catch the crowd of boats and stuff, but that must happen later in the afternoon and really don't feel like going out again.
I hope you scrubbed your hands when you got home!!
Great pics again. Dont forget to bring your wellies to the uk lol!
I washed them in the river and then did a proper wash when I got home.
And, no, I'm not bringing great big, suitcase filling, wellies. If I need them, I will get some when I get there :-). they can't be all that expensive.
No they are not expensive.
Can I get pretty ones (red) or do they only come in boring black?
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