Saturday, 2 August 2008

Very wet and green

Perth has had a lot of rain over the last few weeks. Lots of flooding, storms etc. Been rather nice for a change. One of the things I noticed while I was out, was just how green everything is.  But also the park where we walk is very wet.

Here's some more photos I took while I was out this afternoon.


2008 08 02 Flooding Ashfield Flats-6


2008 08 02 Flooding Ashfield Flats-8

I rather like the reflections in these two photos.















2008 08 02 Flooding Ashfield Flats

And last but not least, I reckon these two little furry kids are a bit early in the season.


2008 08 02 ducks and ducklings



Saturday, 2 August 2008


Kahless said...

Wow again!!!!

Rosymosie said...

Thanks Kahless. I was rather pleased with the way these turned out.

KazzaB said...

I agree with Kahless. You really do take some fantastic photos Rosymosie.

Rosymosie said...

Thanks Kazza. you were posting yours at the same time I was posting mine.

Rosymosie said...

Photographers reckon you have to take 100 photos to get one good one. Maybe that's why I get good ones, I take sooo many hehehehe

KazzaB said...

I'm looking forward to seeing some photos when you're overseas. And a photo of Kahless too!! I bet you'll come back with some great photos.

Rosymosie said...

Kazza I can't wait to see what the UK is keeping for me in the photographable area. One of the things I like so much about the digital is that I can take as many photos as I want without having to worry about the cost of developing. and the fact that I can see them immediately and take another one to make sure I got a good one.

KazzaB said...

They're fantastic aren't they. The only thing I find with the digital camera is that a lot of people don't get any of them developed. Which restricts others seeing them I think. But it is great being able to get rid of the ones that don't turn out. A lot more cost effective too.

Rosymosie said...

That's where having a lap top helps LOL. You just take the laptop with you and show off your photos. also I often use my thumb drive to share photos with people. But I agree, printing them does make it easier to share with people you see, but email makes it easier to share with people you don't see. I guess there are pros and cons on both sides.

KazzaB said...

Yeah, you're right, there are pros and cons. Photos that are printed out just get stuck away too and never see the light of day. Maybe with the computer they are actually more accessible.

Rosymosie said...

I hadn't thought of that one. I've got so many still to scan LOL.I must have taken hundreds of thousands of photos over the years.

Kahless said...


if you send me your email address I will send you a photo so you dont have to wait!!
