At last things are starting to feel as if I might actually get everything together.
This has been a totally long week even though it's not been a week.
Friday evening I got a phone call from the House Sitting Agency to say that they were terribly sorry, but they were not going to be able to find a sitter for me. You've got to be kidding. I leave in 2 weeks (less now), and they are saying they can't help me.
Saturday, a friend was having a party, so I decided that I would spend the day helping her get organised. she was happy to have the company and help. Kept my mind off what had happened and kept me from worrying. During the party, talking to people, I discovered another agency in Perth, plus a Plan B AND a Plan C.
Sunday, I rang the agency about 8:30 a.m. 10 minutes later they rang me back, and about 2 hours later, they came out to talk to me. By that evening they had found a possibility. If only I had found them first. They are the only agency that has shown any sign of professionalism.
I'm exhausted. Yesterday I worked my normal day (8:30 - 4:30) and then worked again from 6:30 till after 9:30. Work is pretty full on right now and everyone is flat out. So every gap I get without a client is filled up very quickly with all sorts of miscellaneous tasks.
However, yesterday the workmen came to finish off the bathroom, and today it is finished. Just need to wait for paint to dry. One tick off my list.
Today, I got a pay rise, back paid to the end of July, which means my worry about money is gone. Another tick off my list.
Today I met some house sitters who want to live in my house while I'm away and who Ally really liked. Another tick off my list.
Today, a friend of mine's son agreed to come over and clean up the back patio and garden for me. He's bored and needs something to do. He has done everything he can at his mother's house. At least that's the story I've been told. I suspect there is more he could do to help, but she's a good friend, and this is what friends do. This is about the last tick on my to do list.
I am so tired tonight I can barely think. For the first time in my life, I am actually looking forward to getting on an airplane, the door closing, and the world stopping for however many hours the flight is to Singapore.
I'm not a control freak. I don't need everything organised down to the last meal. I do need to know that the important things are organised - like the care of my fur kids while I'm away. This is done.
I have10 days to go and I think now I will actually make it.
I am really, really pleased with my friends. People have offered to mind Ally, others to come in and feed the cats if needed, offered to help with the work around the house and lots of general support. So I'm lucky. No, I'm not lucky. I'm smart to pick some great mates.
So look out England, Madeleine will be invading you soon.
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
You deserve this holiday so much Madeleine. And by the time you get on the plane, you'll be so relieved to be finally going, I don't think you'll even worry about the flight itself!! LOL I'm really glad everything has come together for you.
Thanks Kazza. I'm curled up nice and comfy in my big black chair, blanky, chocolates, coke and I'm a happy little vegemite. Soon to settle down to mindless television.
Sounds good to me!! I'm about to retire to read my magazine. Early morning tomorrow and I need my beauty sleep. LOL
Just as well I live in Wales eh!
I have been looking at your icon;
do you like elephants in particular?
Even living in Wales, you cannot escape me Kahless. I plan on stalking you hehehe. remember I am the axe woman.
I do love ephalumps, Kahless. Why? Got a whole heap of them. I was trying to photograph them, but they didn't turn out all that well.
I follow this orphanage here
and sponsor and elephant.
They are so cute.
That is soooo kewl Kahless. What's the name of your ephalump??
Ahhh Kahless, he is sooo gorgeous. I'm just reading about him now.
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