Wednesday, 22 October 2008

I love the paths

I love the little paths along the rivers here in Oxford. Almost daily I find another one. I've had two more little wanders around the waterways here in Oxford, very similar and yet very different. As usual, I took some photos.

This walk was Monday, I think (as you can see I'm having trouble keeping track of the days - I think today is Tuesday and the walk was yesterday). It had been a rainy day so hadn't gone out other than to get some food. Near the end of the day, I started to feel a bit stir crazy and it was only drizzling a little bit, so I grabbed an umbrella and headed down towards the end of our street. There is no way out by car, but I found a map which said there was a path so I thought I would give it a go.

I walked to the end of the street, down a very narrow street and came across a Marina. I stopped to chat to Brady, the golden retriever who barked at me and then let me pat him. Then I had a chat with his owner to find if the path I was on went anywhere. It didn't so I left the marina, and followed the road around the corner and into the grounds of some blocks of flats. There was a little sign that said "Folly Bridge" and an arrow. So I followed.

The next think I new I was here:

Monday 009

At spots the branches were so close they brushed against my umbrella.

I kept walking and the next thing I was wandering underneath a couple of bridges. K and I want to get me some wellies for these sorts of situations cause it was puddly and wet underfoot. I could see a footbridge on the other side of the water. I don't know what to call these bits of water. They don't seem big enough to be called rivers. I'm not sure if they are canals. But anyway, this is what I saw.

Monday 003

The footbridge is in the distance and the other bridge (that doesn't really look like a bridge is, I realised later), a rail bridge.

I wandered along the river for a while and then came to a large open grassy area with the funniest looking building. I didn't take a photo for some reason, but these guys were wandering around the grass and having a lovely time in the rain.

Monday 006 Monday 007

So tame were the ducks that I didn't have to zoom in to photograph them.

I walked across the grassy area and came to a major road. No idea where I were. I thought about walking down the street and figured I could find my way home, but then realising I didn't have my map with me, figured retracing my steps was the way to go. Which is what I did. Looking at the map afterwards, I'm glad i did. I reckon it was quicker than following the road would have been.

Oh, yes, I also spotted this

Ivy leaves

Aren't they gorgeous.

I was going to do two walks in one, but realised there was too much for one blog, so these will be out of order. I will do the Saturday one hopefully tonight or tomorrow. Although the plan for today is the Botanic gardens so might have a lot to write about that. We will see. Stay tuned.


Tuesday, 21 October 2008



KazzaB said...

What's the leaves you photographed? Are they they Christmas Holly or am I way out??? LOL

I think I would love England if I lived there. I'm falling in love with it through your blog!! LOL It just looks so cool and beautiful. And with the beginning of the hot weather here I have even more of a longing for somewhere cool!!

Anonymous said...

I was going to ask that question too Kazza! Is it actual holly?

I'm loving your adventures Gez.

Rosymosie said...

I think it is actual holly Kazza and Roses. I'm not 100% sure, but sure looks like it to me. No berries on it. I will keep an eye out closer to Christmas and see what happens.

Also glad you are both enjoying my adventure as much as I be.

Veedub said...

It does look lovely and cool and green.

I'm enjoying your adventure's like taking a trip by correspondence! LOL

Kahless said...

It is definately Holly. I have a bush in my garden.

To berry it needs to be a female holly and pollinated by a male.


Anonymous said...

Holly Cow, that is a good shot Madeleine. Just having a quick read before heading out to Brisbane airport to go home. My talk went well and has some good fun here.


Rosymosie said...

I'm glad you are enjoying my trip by correspondence Veedub. I feel a bit like a travel writer :-)

Kahless, so how do you know which one is male and which is female?

Coming from you Kenoath, lovely compliment. Thanks. Hope you have a good trip back to Perth. Email me and tell me how it all went.