I've had a lovely quiet day at home so about 330 this p.m. I decided to go for a walk. I just sort of followed my nose and ended up seeing something I've heard of in stories, but never seen in real life. I watched a canal boat go through a lock.
I was just following my nose. One day I'm going to find a walking map that I can mark my route on so I know where I went and how to get back there again.
Anyway, I crossed the bridge and saw a towpath so I decided to follow it. I went over this bridge (The Osney Bridge)
Went across another little footbridge and looked down on this.
I also had to take a photo of this cause I've got no idea what it is. So when I don't know, I take pictures.
I do love signs, and I found some really interesting ones today. I do think sometimes the sign makers just enjoy stating the obvious.
Walking down the tow path. I've got no idea what these buildings are.
Pub on the corner. I think every corner has a pub.
Okay, again, considering the size of the path, another obvious sign.
Bubbling water near the lock.
It was about here that I spotted the boat and realised that I might just see the boat go through the lock !!
The green boat tied up to the side of the lock. You can just see it in the corner of the photo. The two people hopped out and tied the boat to the side. The woman went to the further away gate and closed it and the water started coming into the spot between the two gates
You can see the guy holding the boat steady as the water fills the lock.
Water is filling into the lock.
And now the lock starts to open. Madeleine's camera clicking madly.
And it's all over. Below is the boat further downstream, parking with the other boats.
The ducks came to visit me on the walk back. And as I was crossing the bridge again, I spotted these guys.
I think they were all settling down for the night.
So that was my interesting walk. I'm glad I didn't have to go to work today. I also got paid for my little walk and taking pictures.
Tuesday, 7 October 2008
Indded, a pub on every corner,
Fantastic photo's btw.
I don't really understand the boat bit or what happens and why it happens. Great pictures though and an interesting walk!!
It's amazing with the signs. Like you said, they always state the obvious. LOL
Love the photos...particularly the ducks all in a row. The pub looks very long and narrow... but I guess it wouldn't need to be big if there's lots of them.
Hey Maddi,
Looks fascinating. I don't understand what the lock is for though??
I went to TKD last night and they all asked about you. Linda is in London too getting her accolade as the highest ranked female in the world Woohoo! oh yes shes also gettng married too :o)
Keep up the fabulous holidaying
xoxoxox nadz
Thanks Kahless. I was rather pleased with the photos as well.
Kazza and Nadia: Locks are used to raise and lower boats between stretches of water of different levels on river and canal waterways. It's hard to explain. Do some googling and you will understand.
Some of the English stories talk about the boats and the waterways in the UK, and apparently you can travel most of England via the canals and the locks.
And yes, Kazza, I always get a giggle out of signs that state the obvious LOL
Veedub - the ducks gave me a giggle as well. I reckon they are well fed cause every time I stopped I had duck visitors.
Nadz, I will keep up the fabulous holidaying. Say Hi to the gang at TKD if they aren't reading about my adventures !!
So with TKD we will be being trained by the highest ranking female in the world, how kewl is that !!
Gosh i'm glad you have your camera and are good at using it too. Enjoy your time off.
What really astounds me and always has, is the buildings right on the water. I've never been in a building that is sitting right next to the water, where there isn't any gap or path between the two. I reckon Venice would be amazing to visit too.
I'm off to a workshop for the next three days, so enjoy your trip to Cornwall and I look forward to the photos!!
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