Thursday, 28 May 2009

New camera

Well as many of you know, I got my new camera last week. A digital SLR, very fancy, quite expensive, and I need a pilot's licence to run the damn thing. However, the old camera is heading off to Peru shortly ( which was the push to get the new camera. I've been thinking about it for probably over a year now, and when Nadz told me that her camera was broken, that was the push. I'm sure the old camera will have a lovely time in Peru with Nadz.

So we've had it out and about and have taken some shots.

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I just loved the way the sun was coming through the clouds with all their darkness.

We did get a storm, and this was my attempt to capture the strength of the rain and wind in my garden.

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And this was the sunset last night.

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Not bad for a beginner.



Thursday, 28 May 2009


KazzaB said...

Great photos Madeleine! I love the sunset. And I think you captured how heavy the rain was.

Veedub said...

Great sunset photo, you could print that and frame it!

gezunda said...

Hey guys, I just looked at the sunset photo again, and I rather like it LOL. I could put it on my desktop, couldn't I. Take the Ally dawg off !!


Kahless said...

I love the last photo the best.

Just got back from Rome; took 400 piccies myself! Hopefully I will post a couple tomorrow or Sunday!

Rome was stunning. Knowcked Moscow off the top spot of being my favourite city!

I cant wait to share it with you!