I was looking up at a helicopter and thinking about the water bomber helicopters and wondering if they had ever had an accident, let go their water in the wrong place wrong time.
Imagine standing outside, just watching the helicopter flying to some bush fire, minding your own busines and suddenly, water pours from the sky !!
Birdy birdy in the sky
Why you do dat in my eye?
I’m a big girl I don’t cry
Gee I’m glad that cows don’t fly.
Don’t ask me where the old poem came from. Just came into my mind at the same time as the thoughts about the helicopter.
Wednesday 21 May 2008
love the poem! I am glad cows don't fly too.
I love it!! I love your scenario too. Just going about your business, maybe not even looking up and next minute a swimming pool size amount of water flattens you!! hehehe And most definitely glad that cows don't fly! Especially having grown up in the country!
So am I Kahless. Don't ask me where the poem came from, just remember it from somewhere. Madeleine (who is still at work and anonymous :-) )
Kazza, your imagination is pretty similar to mine LOL. I think however your mind took it even further than mine did hehehehe
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