I’m not sure if I’ve done something smart or stupid here. I’ve booked myself into a hostel in Singapore for a couple of nights on the way to the UK. I thought I would save myself some money. Their private rooms are totally booked already, so I figured I’d better get in quick or I would be sleeping on the streets. So I said I didn’t mind share accommodation. I was thinking of the old youth hostels I used to stay in when I was in my early 20’s.
Well, Summer Tavern have dormitories. Kewl. 4, maybe 6 people, I can handle that. Well, I’m looking at more like 20 people. Probably most of them young. What have i gotten myself into. Possibly one of the experiences of my life. Whether it will be a good one or a bad one is yet to be seen, and I won’t know for another 4 months.
I will definitely have something to write about when I get there. I suspect good or bad, I will get lots of laughs from this one for years to come. Potentially good party story for years to come.


Saturday, 31 May 2008
I am sure with 20 people it wont be as clean looking as in the photo's.
Maybe the odd bed bug too!
Hopefully no bed bugs Kahless :-). I've read some reviews of the place and they've all been positive. Damn, Kahless, now you got me thinking of that!!
LOL, sleep tight, mind the bedbugs don't bite hey!! Now you've got her worried Kahless!!
They'll probably all be out partying until all hours so you'll probably have the dorm to yourself anyway rosymosie!! LOL Well, just you and the bedbugs. hehehe
Thank you both for your support. Geese. And I thort you guys was me friends!!!!
We are - we wouldn't tease you if we wasn't!! hehehe We'd just let you scratch - sorry, let you itch, no that's not the word I'm looking for......let you go with no forewarning. hehehe
I'm not sure if there is anything you can do to prevent flea bites anyway. My mind went onto, Madeleine goes onto the plane with some of the fleas from her hostel say, and by the time the flight gets to Heathrow, all the passengers are scratching cause they've all collected up Singapore fleas hehehehehehe
See, now we've sparked your imagination. LOL The whole plane is scratching away by the time you get to England, including the pilot!! hehehe No, maybe we better leave him out of it so he can concentrate on landing and not his fleas. LOL
lol KazzaB,
you are naughty!!!
Poor Madeliene not only has to contend with the fleas, bed-bugs and pilot not flying the plane because he is scratching so much, but next you will be talking about the hemorraghic fever that you can catch in Singapore.
Kazza and Kahless you guys are incredible for imagination LOL. If I get something like that I will come and visit and give it to you both - so there hehehehe
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