Sunday, 18 May 2008

Yard Glass

Interesting find. I was tidying up this afternoon and found this photo. This is called a yard glass. My husband was given one in about 1972 and they were all the “in” thing at that time.

There’s even instructions on the net as to how to drink it. It contains a yard of beer (almost 3 pints).

From Wikipedia

Drinking a yard glass full of beer is a traditional pub game. The object is to drink the entire glassful without pausing for breath, and/or to drink it as quickly as possible. The tradition is most often associated with drunken and disorderly tomfoolery in party-like environments. Because of the shape of the glass, once it is raised and the liquid starts to flow, it is difficult to pause. When attempted by the novice, the liquid may flow out in a rush and soak the person holding the glass. To counteract this the glass is usually rotated as it is held.

Fits very nicely with Graffiti’s Binge Drinking blogs.


Sunday 18 May 2008


KazzaB said...

I think I'd end up drowning Rosymosie!! LOL Plus I don't drink that in one day, let alone in one hit!! :-)

Rosymosie said...

I must admit, I can't see the fun in drowning yourself in beer, but lots of people tried it and it eventually went out of fashion.

I wonder what ever happened to it. Maybe he took it when he left, but I think it was long gone before then.

Kahless said...

I remember seeing yard glasses behind the bar in the uk. You had to be tough to go for it!

Rosymosie said...

Did you ever try one Kahless?

Kahless said...

No way; too much gas for me lol!

Anonymous said...

I never did understand how people could drink from these things and not end up wearing their beer :-)

I'm at work and can't remember who I am, so today I am anonymous hehehe
