Friday, 16 May 2008

Long week

Well I’m glad this week is over. It’s been a long week. Tuesday someone decided to vandalise my car. Could have been worse, all they did was to break my back quarter pane. Didn’t steal anything. Only thing worth stealing was a 6 pack of loo paper. Obviously vandalism was the purpose.

Then, I woke up this a.m. to a flat tyre. Damn.

First thing in the a.m. I don’t think very clearly and was half way to work wondering what was wrong with my car when some nice man next to me shouted that I had a flat. I pulled off, fought my way through all the junk in the boot of the car to get to the spare, find the wheel brace and the jack. Doing well until I realised the jack was jammed in amongst the metal of the car and I couldn’t get it lose.

This is where mobile phones come in handy. Figured it would be quicker to ring work than to wait for the RAC to come, so one of the women I work with said she would come and give me a hand. Next thing I know, a bloke has pulled up and is getting out the jack. And yes, he had problems getting it out as well, so it really was jammed, not just me being a weakling !!

Took car to the tyre shop and organised to come back later this p.m. to get the tyre fixed, others pumped up etc.

So this afternoon instead of coming home and relaxing, I spent the afternoon waiting for my tyre to be fixed (got the spare fixed, wheels rotated, pumped up aligned all that sort of stuff). 70 bucks later and a visit to Spotlight, I am on my way again.

Off to get my window fixed. Damn. Had to wait a while and by this time my back is really starting to ache. For some reason I’ve been very stiff and sore this week culminating in a stiff neck and sore back today. Doesn’t help to change a tyre when you ache. They didn’t have the size i needed available so car has to go back in on Monday. This entailed a couple of phone calls to work to see what Monday had planned for me clientwise cause I can’t leave a client in the middle of a session saying “Gotta get my car fixed. See you next week”. Somehow they don’t appreciate things like that.

The nice man at the car glass shop taped the window up for me without me even asking. I was talking to the woman, organising things and there he was with his big roll of tape, taping up my window.

So although it’s been a long week, there has been nice things in amongst the problems.

Right now I’m sitting in my comfy chair, feet up, Lara the Laptop on my lap, watching the news, drinking coke, and generally relaxing. Tomorrow I can go to Tae Kwon Do in the morning if I choose, or not.

I forgot to get tinned cat food on the way home so will have to go out later tonight, or they can have biscuits again tonight. Poor darlings think they are badly done by. We’ll see how I feel in a hour or so.


Friday, 16 May 2008


Kahless said...

I think people are generally nice and its cool these guys helped you out. When I had my last car crash this stranger was really nice to me.

Are you a lethal Tae Kwon Do-er?

Rosymosie said...

Hi Kahless. I reckon most people are willing to help. There's a lot of nice people in the world, isn't there?

No, I'm not a lethal TKDer. But I'm not doing too bad for someone who is 61 and been doing it for just over 12 months.

KazzaB said...

You can have a nice relaxing weekend after your eventful week Rosymosie. That's besides your TKDoing of course. LOL

Rosymosie said...

I am having a nice relaxing weekend Kazza. Sitting in front of the tv with Lara the Laptop watching mindless television. Great veg out.